“Keep a poem in your pocket, and a picture in your head and you’ll never feel lonely at night when you’re in bed,” says Beatrice Schenk de Regniers. Why don’t you put a poem in your child’s pocket?
#54 –Put a poem in your child’s pocket

“Keep a poem in your pocket, and a picture in your head and you’ll never feel lonely at night when you’re in bed,” says Beatrice Schenk de Regniers. Why don’t you put a poem in your child’s pocket?
Three things every parent can do with their children from birth are talking, reading, and singing. These three things are brain-boosting winners!
Observing scents around us enhances the enjoyment and understanding of our world. When we talk to our children about what we are observing, they learn to connect what they are noticing, too. Aromas are connected to memories of our past. What are some of your Happy Scents?
Fact or Fiction? Real or Make-Believe? These are questions we all ponder daily. And, now, with so much technology widely available, it is even more difficult to determine. In our books, we put Real and Make-Believe side-by-side.
When I’m at home, and wherever I go I watch for birds. I love to see them, learn about them, and write about them.
Helping children learn how to develop friendships is something we wanted to do. Our goal was to present ideas about friendship to kids, through the silly antics of these two pelicans, and their conversation with each other.
It’s Spring Break. You and your family might be taking a trip. But if you’re not, your children might be saying, “I’m bored. What Should I do?” The phrase “I’m bored” is one of my least favorite things to hear from kids.
Even though I sometimes hear negative comments about it, I like Facebook.
Nelly has a story to tell, but she doesn’t yet have a book! Who knew that each of the ten pelicans in the Counting Book would have their own story?
Pelly is my book companion. Whenever I go out to a book event, Pelly goes with me.