#53– Take The Healthy Alphabet Challenge

The Pelican Family Series - Chef and Delly - #53 Take The Healthy Alphabet Challenge

Will you and your family take the challenge that we introduce in Delly and the Beach Town Healthy Alphabet Challenge? Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your monthly grocery lists.

#51– Singing With Your Children Helps Them Learn

The Pelican Family Series -Singing With Your Children Helps Them Learn --children singing

Three things every parent can do with their children from birth are talking, reading, and singing. These three things are brain-boosting winners!

#48 — Real or Make-Believe?

Real Or Make-Believe

Fact or Fiction? Real or Make-Believe? These are questions we all ponder daily. And, now, with so much technology widely available, it is even more difficult to determine. In our books, we put Real and Make-Believe side-by-side.