This is what we want our children to know. And by talking, singing, and playing with words with our children we can help them learn the power of words and give them a GIFT THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME.
#8 — Give Your Child the Gift of Words

This is what we want our children to know. And by talking, singing, and playing with words with our children we can help them learn the power of words and give them a GIFT THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME.
“Children are made readers in the laps of their parents,” said Emilie Buchwald and I definitely believe it. My mother read to me, my mother loved reading, and loved words, and loved the excitement of new ideas that were opened up to us in books.
As a teacher, parents would ask me, “How do I help my child learn to read, or learn to read better?” I had a simple, yet important answer, and it didn’t involve some expensive material or tutoring.
“The more you read, the more you know.
The more you know, the smarter you grow.
The smarter you grow, the stronger your voice,
In speaking your mind and making your choice.”