

I called the manager of the shoe department at Macy’s today.  I had gone in to get a pair of my favorite shoes.  A sales person came up to me quickly, checked her computer to see if my size was in stock, and brought it back to me.  And they were sale priced!

As I walked out, I passed a table of purses on sale, saw one I liked and bought it.  Then I headed out the door.  The door alarm went off!   I went back to the purse counter, no sales person.  I went to another counter.  She checked the purse, and said it must be the shoes.  The helpful person in the shoe department said there weren’t any alarm devices on these shoes.  She checked the purse and didn’t find anything.  Then she said, “I’ll walk with you to the door and see what happens.”  That, I thought, was extraordinary service.  She and I went to the door, the alarm went off. She went through the shoes and purse again and found a device in the pocket of the purse.  Success!  I got out the door!

Once I was home, I thought about how people who are doing good work ought to get some kind of recognition.  So, I called the store manager and told him about the great service I had received from one of his sales people.

Have You Ever Received A Happy Note?

Making this call made me think of “Happy Notes”.  The first principal I had, after obtaining my teaching credential, carried a note packet when he walked though classes on his daily rounds.  When he saw teachers doing things he thought were good teaching, he would write on these “Happy Notes” and put them in our mail boxes in the office.  As a brand new teacher, that was very encouraging. We teachers were encouraged to use the same kind of notes with our students, and many did.

Everyone likes to be seen.   And, almost all people like to be recognized for the good work they are doing. 

We all benefit when people are recognized for positive actions.  It makes our environment a more pleasant place to live. It shouldn’t be obsessive, or mandatory, or something everyone has to do.   And it needs to be genuinely given.  It is a message from heart to heart.   This recognition can come in many forms — a spoken remark, an e-mail or message, or a written note.

I am partial to the written note, as I think the written word is very powerful.

It can be used among family members, in neighborhoods, and work places.    A short note, a few words, a “Happy Note”, can put a smile on a face and a warm feeling in a heart.  And, an encouraging note in written form can be saved to smile at another day.   Have you ever received one of these “Happy Notes”?  Have you ever given one to someone?

#47–Happy Notes

6 thoughts on “#47–Happy Notes

  • April 16, 2018 at 4:29 pm

    Thank you again for reminding to appreciate what we get… make someone’s day …. Counting gratitude.

    It is true that we get more than what we give to others …. anything, service, smile , compliment or compassion…

    This act gets us out of our self absorption which I think is the seat of unhappiness , which we choose to sit on….and not let go of it …???

    • April 16, 2018 at 8:25 pm

      Yes, you are right that we get more than we give when we show gratitude to others for their work and service. I liked your comment that it gets us out of our self-absorption. Thank you for commenting.

  • April 12, 2018 at 6:50 am

    You’re right, Shirley, about folks appreciating a kind word or recognition. Whenever I compliment or give positive feedback to a sales person, a receptionist, a store manager, I am met with smiles and looks of surprise. Often, the person will say something like, “That’s so good to hear.”

    • April 12, 2018 at 9:04 am

      Yes, peoples’ response gives me back more than I gave to them. Thank you for commenting.

  • April 5, 2018 at 7:48 pm

    Good for you, Shirley. I try to remember to do the same but unfortunately remember to make my voice known more often when I’m upset. I did give “happy notes” to my workers back in the day and I saved those I received just to make sure I remembered them. Nice reminder!

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